Technical data

Proprietà fisico-meccaniche La Pietra Piasentina

  • Volume weight

    2690 Kg ∕ m3

  • Water absorption


  • Stress load – due to sole compression

    145 Mpa

  • Stress load – due to sole compression following gelivity

    144 Mpa

  • Elastic tangential module

    72,600 Mpa

  • Sress load – due to indirect traction following bending

    30 Mpa

  • Close friction wear – reference to San Fedelino granite


  • Shock resistance minimum fall height

    36 cm

  • Thermal linear dilatation coefficient

    6,6 × 10ˆ– 6ºC

  • Knoop micro-hardness

    1830 Mpa

  • Non uniform hardness index


Composizione fisica

  • CaCO3


  • MgCO3


  • FeCO3


  • HCL insoluble residue



Given the composition of the Piasentina Stone, which is formed at about 94% of calcium carbonate, it warns that it is not recommended to use acid-based products for cleaning. For routine cleaning we recommend the use of water and possibly neutral detergents (which have always to be used following the manufacturer's instructions), it is suggested not to leave the dirt on the floor for too long, in case of stains, before any type of treatment or care, always perform a test on a small portion, (possibly in a hidden part) of the area to be cleaned. For special stains is always important to know the situation that has caused them and consult with competent staff in matter, that can give specific information on which products to use. For more information, please contact the company directly.